The OBAMA Effect

This week has been full of anxiety for me. Anxiety caused by witnessing several water shed moments.
It Started off with Jo Wilfried Tsonga (Winning the Paris Tennis Masters Tournament), then Lewis Hamilton (Wining the formula One Title) and now Barack Obama. 3 black people adding three more chapters to black history.
A cameroonian friend asked what effect this will have on black folks all over the world.
  1. Being BLACK is no longer an excuse to underachieve.
  2. Being AFRICAN is no longer an excuse to underachieve
  3. People of different races can trust each least in America
  4. My last reason is this (and it's very important so read on)... If your life is tainted with a history of suppression, mistrust and segregation... your ability to be your best is severely restricted. Many people don't know this, but alot of what we are is a function of what we see around us. The things we see motivate us. Obama's victory has taken another huge chunk out of the wall that separates people of brown,black skin and being their best. He's followed in the footsteps of thousands before him. He's standing on the shoulder of Giants like Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice, MLK, Michael Jordan, Oprah, Spike Lee, Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong and Muhammed Ali. These people make you believe YES, YOU CAN.

Finally, as Cameroonians, we have to remember that such walls have never really existed. We do have the perverted walls of tribalism, egoism, nepotism and corruption in our system that compete with those faced by African Americans. I never thought I'd be president of Cameroon one day, HOWEVER, I never thought it was IMPOSSIBLE. Until Today, African-Americans had the lingering thought that IT IS IMPOSSIBLE for them to aspire let alone get there. That was the difference between us (Cameroonians) and them.
I know I've gone on and on and on.. but u get the point.
PS: Did anyone of you shed a tear like I did. I don't know why but I could not resist the power of that moment.

Published Thursday, 06 Nov. 2008. 00:11


Thu, 06 Nov. 2008. 08:11 by G Nupa

testing commentary

Fri, 02 Apr. 2010. 18:04 by Tim Burden

Very good comments and I am still expecting Gerald Nupa to make a significant contribution to generating wealth, equality and opportunities in the UK, Africa and beyond.

Fri, 02 Dec. 2011. 14:12 by Gerald Nupa

Hi Tim,
I know you will never be able to see this reply as we only laid you to rest last month, but I want you to know that I will never let you down. Your expectation to see me make a significant contribution to generating wealth, equality and opportunities in Africa and UK is already coming true.
I miss you and we all do too.. May you rest in Peace in Heaven where you are


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