Have you ever seen your parents making love?

This question is probably one of the most 'yuckish' questions anybody has ever had to answer. You know your face is gonna look  funny when you try imagining your parents making love. Anyway, whether we feel 'yuckish' about the thought or not, if your parents didn't make love, then I am not sure you'd be reading this post right?

As the Valentine's Day fever draws near, I thought I put together some thoughts on what we here at 3KLAPS have been thinking. Well we thought it will be a great idea if Bushfallers resident overseas can provide great treats for their beloved ones back home. And the idea we landed on was code-named TABLE FOR TWO as shown in the flyer below:

The idea is very simple:

From anywhere in the world, you can arrange for a lovely couple (Your Parents for instance) to experience the treat of their lives this Valentine day in one of our specially prepared venues.

We've teamed up with several well renowned restaurants and hoteliers in Douala, Limbe, Bamenda and Buea to provide this wonderful service. 

Published Friday, 25 Jan. 2008. 00:01


Tue, 29 Jan. 2008. 16:01 by Larry Cumber

That's an interesting way of making some pples Valentine Celebration something to remember. A Suprise to an old friend and his wife would make a special day ! More kudos to the plan.

Thu, 31 Jan. 2008. 17:01 by Sido

too cool!

Tue, 08 Apr. 2008. 12:04 by Aggie Elangwe

superb! G, I'm so very proud of you. I could read on and on and on... but I need to go. Kudos! Regards,Aggie


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