What ASP.NET Programmers Should Know About Application Domains

A process contains the executable code and data of a program inside memory it has reserved from the operating system. There will be at least one thread executing instructions inside of the process, and in most cases there are multiple threads. If the program opens any files or other resources, those resources will belong to the process.

A process is also boundary. Erroneous code inside of a process cannot corrupt areas outside of the current process. It is easy to communicate inside of a process, but special techniques are required to communicate from one process to another. Each process also runs under a specific security context which can dictate what the process can do on the machine and network.

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Published Mon, 05 Dec. 2011. 00:12 by Gerald Nupa | Comments (0) | Views (15807)
Send money to Cameroon Cheaply

If you're like me and send money to Cameroon..(chop money..bills...pay workers etc) then you've likely used one of the following..Western Union, Moneygram, indies like MoneylineUK or RIA ..or even Bank to Bank Transfers.

If you're impatient and don't want to read the full article and just want to know what my recommendation is for the best  method then read on.

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Published Fri, 02 Dec. 2011. 00:12 by Gerald Nupa | Comments (7) | Views (18124)
Incredibe Aerial View of Cameroon by William Thielicke

Breathtaking aerial view of Cameroon taken using a Hexacopter

The Hexacopter is a multirotor micro air vehicle (MAV MM6) developed by William Thielicke

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Published Wed, 05 Oct. 2011. 00:10 by Gerald Nupa | Comments (1) | Views (15710)
Be Descriptive, Not Prescriptive

Have you ever noticed how most people are prescriptive when they ask you to do something? Whether it’d be a colleague or a boss at work, or a friend, or a parent – not enough people ask for help in a descriptive way – they rather give you the exact steps they want you to follow in order to achieve their intended goal.

It is so deeply ingrained in our society, even most religions are like that – at least the three major Mesopotamian ones: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. They are full of “do this” and “don’t do this”. This is in stark contrast with some other religions – like for example Zoroastrianism, which only says “think well, speak well and act well” – and leaves the interpretation for how to do that to the individual. It’s a bit like saying “do to others what you would like them to do to you” – which would result in very different outcomes for different people and cultures.

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Published Fri, 26 Aug. 2011. 00:08 by Gerald Nupa | Comments (0) | Views (15568)
Extreme Programming: Keeping it Simple

Extreme Programming: Keeping it Simple...

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Published Tue, 14 Jun. 2011. 00:06 by Gerald Nupa | Comments (0) | Views (14850)
Coding for Maintainability

Jeremy Miller believes that among the various beneficial and important qualities a codebase can have, the single most important quality of code is maintainability. I totally agree, having spent many hours maintaining legacy code written years ago as well as code I wrote a week ago.

As soon as a line of code is typed on the screen, it becomes legacy. You are now maintaining that code.

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Published Fri, 08 Oct. 2010. 00:10 by Gerald Nupa | Comments (0) | Views (15904)
Resolving ConfigurationElements & Weird RegulardExpressionValidator Behaviour

I am currently architecting an inhouse .NET Class library Framework in our Web services team here at Ericsson. Part of the brief is to create custom Configuration sections within the application configuration files.

I was working on a custom ConfigurationElement for one of the configuration sections and I need a property that will hold an email address. The property is required and I needed to validate the value entered using a RegularExpressionValidator. Regular expressions are a great tool for easily verifying a string is in a certain format and Microsoft was nice enough to include the RegexStringValidatorAttribute. So I tried this:

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Published Sun, 01 Feb. 2009. 00:02 by Gerald Nupa | Comments (2) | Views (17285)
The OBAMA Effect

The OBAMA Effect...

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Published Thu, 06 Nov. 2008. 00:11 by Gerald Nupa | Comments (3) | Views (16893)
Securely Implement Request Processing, Filtering, and Redirection with HTTP Pipelines in ASP.NET

Securely Implement Request Processing, Filtering, and Redirection with HTTP Pipelines in ASP.NET...

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Published Thu, 23 Oct. 2008. 00:10 by Gerald Nupa | Comments (0) | Views (22067)
Disable web.config Inheritance and Using HTTPModules in a Multiple Application Environment

Configuration files in ASP.Net applications are hierarchical. Configuration settings propagate from the root folder to all sub folders within the application. This is known as Configuration Inhertiance. However, If a configuration file exists within one of the application's sub-directory, its settings will overwrite that of the root configuration.

So, what is the top of the pyramid? Well it is an often forgotten configuration file called the machine.config file. This file is located in the %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\Version\CONFIG directory. This is akin to the master control ro configuration file. The settings here affect all ASP.Net applications running on the web server. That's pretty powerful stuff when you stop to think about it.

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Published Tue, 02 Sep. 2008. 00:09 by Gerald Nupa | Comments (6) | Views (38956)
Your Reputation is all that matters

Since we started the Happysend Project, we've learnt alot of DO's and DON'Ts about Doing Business With Paysans. One of which is 'Your Reputation is all that matters'. This lesson makes sense in any business environment, whether you're selling vegetables or Jet Bombers. What makes this lesson very very sacrosanct is the recent wave of itnernet scams and fraud that have created victims within the Cameroonian community.

These scams have created a culture of distrust which is harming businesses like happysend.com who provide services over the internet.

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Published Tue, 15 Apr. 2008. 00:04 by Gerald Nupa | Comments (0) | Views (15380)
OrElse and AndAlso

OrElse and AndAlso...

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Published Sat, 12 Apr. 2008. 00:04 by Gerald Nupa | Comments (0) | Views (15960)
If you're not using Google Analytics, then you're missing out!

Google recently announced that it is making their Google Analytics service available for free. If you're not using Google Analytics, then you're missing out cos it's a must have for all website owners/developers/marketers/sales executive...

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Published Tue, 01 Apr. 2008. 00:04 by Gerald Nupa | Comments (1) | Views (15725)
How to Fail Exams: Strictly for laughs

A friend sent this to me the other day and I thought I post it here for some comic relief. My best one is the question to expand the function (a+b)^n .. classic!!

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Published Tue, 26 Feb. 2008. 00:02 by Gerald Nupa | Comments (3) | Views (17455)
Conversations with my friend Arnold on the recent Economic Downturn

this is an extract of an email conversation I had with a learned friend of mine based in Germany about the recent european and US economic woes and how it relates to Zimbabwe. Hope you can glean a thing or two from it.

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Published Thu, 31 Jan. 2008. 00:01 by Gerald Nupa | Comments (1) | Views (16405)
Have you ever seen your parents making love?

This question is probably one of the most 'yuckish' questions anybody has ever had to answer. You know your face is gonna look  funny when you try imagining your parents making love. Anyway, whether we feel 'yuckish' about the thought or not, if your parents didn't make love, then I am not sure you'd be reading this post right?

As the Valentine's Day fever draws near, I thought I put together some thoughts on what we here at 3KLAPS have been thinking. Well we thought it will be a great idea if Bushfallers resident overseas can provide great treats for their beloved ones back home. And the idea we landed on was code-named TABLE FOR TWO as shown in the flyer below:

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Published Fri, 25 Jan. 2008. 00:01 by Gerald Nupa | Comments (3) | Views (16330)
How Software can be used for Development in Cameroon the Cameroon Way.

My country Cameroon faces huge challenges at present and for the future. As a professional software engineer, I've always wished I could make a positive impact using my skill set in the development of my Country. Below is a collection of areas I believe software applications designed by Cameroonians can be effective in promoting positive development in our Nation. Note that I am stressing on 'designed by Cameroonians' as I believe that we as Cameroonians have a much better grasp of the problems we face and thence can provide a much more appropriate solution.

Software as a Service

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Published Tue, 01 May. 2007. 00:05 by Gerald Nupa | Comments (6) | Views (18233)
Creating a Remote Labour Force : The Case of Cameroon

Creating a Remote Labour Force

The Case of Cameroon

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Published Mon, 01 Jan. 2007. 00:01 by Gerald Nupa | Comments (2) | Views (16236)
This is how BUSHFALLING affects your chances of finding a Good Life Partner

Finding a good life partner is not an easy task. In some cultures, it's sooo difficult, parents have to do it for their children. Most of the time Our (Cameroonian) culture allows us to freely choose. Research shows that, we are more likely to bond with people with whom we share a common culture (language, habits, customs, race).

In our local towns and villages back in Cameroon, we usualy all share a common culture (pidgin, afritude, fufu & eru, negro).. this creates a larger pool of women (if you are male) for finding a GOOD partner. i.e. So let's say for every 50 women there's a chance that 1 of them will be a Good partner for you. (1 in 50)... that means if there are 5000 eligible women in your local town, you have 100 women you could be happy with.

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Published Mon, 04 Sep. 2006. 00:09 by Gerald Nupa | Comments (5) | Views (38787)
Secession, Language and Independence in Cameroon

One thing which really beats me about the SCNC's case for Secession is its grounds....the way I understand it, the major ground is the fact that the minority 'English Speaking' side has been the subject of gross marginalisation and manipulation by the majority 'French Speaking' side...Okay point taken...

I am no Historian but when you observe secessionist movements worldwide from the Kurds in Iraq, to the East Timorese in Indonesia and even closer to home the Basques Separatists in Spain..one thing is common..there is a fundamental Divisive point which transcends LANGUAGE [underline that plisss]..which is at the root of any secessionist demands or tendencies.

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Published Sat, 01 Feb. 2003. 00:02 by Gerald Nupa | Comments (2) | Views (51679)
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